CQFD - 2011

Project Team Cqfd

Overall Objectives
Scientific Foundations
Application Domains

Project Team Cqfd

Overall Objectives
Scientific Foundations
Application Domains

Section: New Results

Estimation of the jump rate of a PDMP

Participants : Romain Azaïs, François Dufour, Anne Gégout-Petit.

We estimate the jump rate of PDMP. We suppose the flow given by physics laws and we want to make some inference on λ. φ being deterministic, the problem can be rewritten as a problem of estimation of the rate λ(z,t) with zE with E an open set of a separable metric space. We have an ergodicity assumption on the observed PDMP and the asymptotic is in the time of observation of the process.

We distinguish three cases :

  1. E is finite. In this case, we easily estimate each of the cumulated risk functions Λ(z,t)=exp(- 0 t λ(z,s)ds) corresponding to each of zE by a Nelson Aalen estimator. The results is based on the decomposition in semi-martingale of the following counting process in an appropriate filtration:

    t0,N n (z,t)= i=0 n-1 1 {S i+1 t} 1 {Z i =z} ,(1)

    We obtain the estimator of the rate λ(z,t) by smoothing of the estimator of Λ.

  2. E is an open set of a general separable metric space but the transition measure Q does not depend on the time spent in the current regime. In this case, we suppose the rate λ(z,t) Lipschitz and the process ergodic with a stationary law denoted by ν. We first construct an estimation of the cumulated rate knowing that z belongs to a set A such that ν(A)>0 by :

    L ^ n (A,t)= i=0 n-1 1 Y n (A,S i+1 )1 {S i+1 t} 1 {Z i A} withY n (A,t)= i=0 n-1 1 {S i+1 t} 1 {Z i A} .(2)

    We show the consistence of the estimator. Smoothing L ^ n (A,t) and using a fine partition of E allow us to obtain an uniform result for the approximation of the rate λ(z,t), in some sense in t and z.

  3. E is an open set of a general separable metric space and the transition measure Q depends on the time spent in the current regime. Here, we loose some conditional independence between the S i 's and the whole set of the locations of the jump {Z 1 ,...,Z n }. We have to make a detour for the estimation of the law of the time S k+1 knowing the current Z k by the the law S k+1 knowing (Z k ,Z k+1 ). The method gives an estimation of the conditional density of S k+1 given Z k .

We have made simulation studies that give expected results. A R package for this estimation method is in progress.

This work is a part of the PhD Thesis of R. Azaïs founded by the ANR Fautocoes. R. Azaïs has presented a part of this work at "Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens" in 2011 September [28] . The work will be soon submitted to a international peer-reviewed journal for publication.